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cordially invites you to participate in a roundtable discussion on
"What about the Boy Child?"
Too many boys in our country are in trouble. They lack solid role-models and fall victim to all kinds of social pathologies – gangsterism, violence, dysfunctional relationships, ...... (read more)
Date: Tuesday 22nd August 2017
Time: 09h00 for 09h30 – 13h00
Venue: St Mary’s Cathedral Hall
Please RSVP before Thursday, 17th August 2017
to Lois Law
or telephone (021) 461 1417

Fr. Hugh O'Connor will be celebrating mass on Sunday, 27 August 2017, and Immaculata RC High School cordially invites everyone to join them at Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Wittebome, for thanksgiving and praise, to commemorate this auspicious day.
Choir Festival

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